Cancer Reconstruction

Patients who've had cancer surgically removed may face certain issues with healing. SLUCare plastic surgeons can help – from closing of the surgical site to repair and reconstruction of the area where the tumor was removed.

Our plastic surgeons use advanced techniques, such as microsurgery through high-powered microscopes, enabling surgeons to connect the tiniest vessels in the body to re-establish circulation or to enable complex nerve reconstruction. Our doctors work closely with oncology surgeons, thoracic and general surgeons, GI surgeons and urologists to formulate a treatment plan, so you receive the latest in surgical care.

Repair After Mohs Surgery

Mohs surgery is an approach dermatologists use to remove skin cancer from sensitive areas of the face, recurrent skin cancers, and other more unusual cancers. Mohs surgery maps out and removes all of the cancer cells, which can sometimes leave large, irregular wounds that need to be closed. At SLUCare, our plastic surgeons work closely with our Mohs specialists to reconstruct areas of the face affected by skin cancer removal.

Learn more about Mohs Surgery.

Post-Cancer Breast Reconstruction

After a mastectomy, women may desire breast reconstruction to preserve their sense of female self. There are a variety of flap procedures that transfer skin, fat, and at times, other tissues to the chest to recreate the lost breast. In cases of dual mastectomy, many women opt for placement of breast implants to limit the reconstructive surgery to the chest region alone. These procedures are often staged and involve placement of a preparatory implant that expands the chest tissues, allowing reconstructed breasts of the size the woman desires. SLUCare plastic surgeons work with a care team that includes oncologic surgeons and internists to provide patients with the latest in breast cancer care.

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