Colonoscopy Screenings

SLUCare Physician Group providers offer open access colonoscopy screenings for both existing patients and those referred from outside physicians.

Candidates for open access colonoscopy include people at average risk of colon cancer, such as those older than 50, as well as those at increased risk. Factors for increased risk can include having an immediate relative with colon cancer and being either older than 40 or 10 years younger than the age your relative was when they were first developed colon cancer.

Talk with your doctor about when you should have a colonoscopy. Then, call 314-257-5555 to schedule your screening with SLUCare.

Computer-aided Colonoscopy Now Available

Ask your gastroenterologist if a computer-aided colonoscopy is right for you. This new intelligent endoscope technology allows physicians to better identify and biopsy precancerous cells during a colonoscopy.

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